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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-11-25 11:17:41
导读:Qianjing dehumidifier is a high-quality dehumidifier, dehumidification ability is very good in its class, can be very go
 Qianjing dehumidifier is a high-quality dehumidifier, dehumidification ability is very good in its class, can be very good to eliminate the humid air, Qianjing dehumidifier is very easy to use, and the price, the following home network Xiaobian take everyone Learn about the use of Qianjing dehumidifier.

仟井除湿机是一款优质的除湿机,除湿能力在同类中十分出色,能够很好的消除潮湿空气 ,仟井除湿机是很好用的,并且价格优惠,下面家电网(www.020883.com)小编就带大家了解一下仟井除湿机的使用方法。




Dehumidifiers, also known as dehumidifiers, dryers, dehumidifiers, can generally be divided into civil dehumidifiers and industrial dehumidifiers two categories, belonging to a member of the air conditioning family. In general, a conventional dehumidifier consists of a compressor, a heat exchanger, a fan, a water receiver, a casing, and a controller. Its working principle is: the fan will draw moist air into the machine, through the heat exchanger, then condensed into water droplets in the air, after the treatment of dry air discharged from the machine, so the cycle of indoor humidity to maintain the appropriate Relative humidity.



除湿机应避免放在热源旁使用,要保持进出风口的畅通,一般情况下除湿机应放在空间的居中较合适,周围应有足够的空间,不要堆放物品。保持空气流畅,可以达到除湿的效果均匀。冷冻除湿机在低温( 18 ℃ 以下)环境条件使用,都会结霜或结冰,带除霜功能的除湿机会自动化霜,但不带除霜功能的除湿机,可用人工化霜(断电的方式)。一般情况下温度低,湿度也低,湿度低于 40%以下,除湿的效果可能不明显,速度也较慢,这都属于正常现象。消费者在购买除湿机时,对除湿量的计算要综合考虑噪音等指标,一般除湿量较大的除湿机,噪音较大,属工业设备类型,若需要噪音小而除湿要达到要求,建议多购买几台小型除湿机。尽可能地把电器放在通风的位置,有待机状态的电器如彩电等,应尽量使其通电处于待机状态,其内部零件就会散发热量,驱散机体内的潮气,防爆除湿机,防止内部元件损坏。另外,房间居于低层,湿气比较大的居民,最好可以考虑选购一台除湿机来改善空气湿度。

