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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-12-06 17:11:13
导读:  In the cold winter, most people headache is the issue of bathing, many of my friends used to bathe at home, but also
   In the cold winter, most people headache is the issue of bathing, many of my friends used to bathe at home, but also worried about freezing cold. Therefore, many families are equipped with a Yuba, Yuba there are many problems, sometimes the bulb is damaged do not know how to change, then, Aopu Yuba bulbs how to change? The following article for everyone to tell.





Yuba bulbs are divided into the middle of the lighting bulbs and four heating bulbs. If the heating bulb is broken, can not be lit, and you can see the heating bulb filled with black gas. Just rotate the bulb, remove the bulb, buy the same bulb can be replaced, be careful, be sure to buy the same power bulb, common AC220V 275W. If the middle of the light bulb is broken, can not light.

First off the power. Take down the four heating lamps. You can see the two hanging spring on the edge of the heating lamp, the spring hooked the cover hook, the hanging spring off the whole square Yuba plastic cover can be taken down, you can see the lights It's After seeing the lamp, turn the light bulb down, then change to the new one. Pay attention to the power of old lighting bulbs to buy, my home lighting bulbs AC220V 11W energy-saving bulbs, put on, that is repaired.

浴霸灯泡分为中间的照明灯泡和四个取暖灯泡。如果是取暖灯泡坏了,无法点亮,并且可以看到取暖灯泡中为黑色的气体填充。只需旋转灯泡,取下灯泡后,买相同的灯泡换上即可,注意,一定要买相同功率的灯泡,常见的有AC220V 275W。如果是中间的照明灯泡坏了,无法点亮。

首先要先切断电源。把四个的取暖灯拿下来。您可以在取暖灯位置的边上看到两个挂簧,弹簧钩住了盖板的钩子,将挂簧摘下来后整体的正方形的浴霸塑料盖就可以拿下来了,也就可以看到灯了。看到灯以后把灯泡旋转下来,再换上新的即可。注意按旧照明灯泡的功率买,我家的照明灯泡是AC220V 11W的节能灯泡,换上后,即修好了。


由于浴霸处于卫生间,长期处于潮湿的状态下, 所以浴霸在平常的过程当中,不要将说喷到浴霸灯上,尽量保持浴霸灯的干爽,如果使用时间过长,要进行清理污渍,浴霸灯可以用沾有少量的中性清洁巾进行擦拭,擦拭完毕之后,进行干布擦干。平常在使用的过程当中,要尽量保证没有水源接触到浴霸灯。浴霸是卫生间重要电器,在浴霸灯遇到问题时,可切断总电路然后进行检查,如果要更换电路,自己懂可以自己进行更换,如果自己对线路不通,可以联系商家或者是电工进行维修,切勿自行拆卸维修。

