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导读:When installing the bathroom, in addition to taking into account the installation of shower and bathtub size, location,
 When installing the bathroom, in addition to taking into account the installation of shower and bathtub size, location, direction and so on, there are bathroom appliances such as bathroom sinks need to be taken into account in the installation, then we will come We introduce the relevant knowledge about the bathroom sink, take a look at the common size of the bathroom sink which.





Hand wash the material, the most used is ceramic, enamel pig iron, enamel steel, as well as terrazzo. With the development of building materials technology, glass and steel, artificial marble, artificial agate, stainless steel and other new materials have been introduced both at home and abroad. There are many types of hand-washing basins, but their common requirements are smooth surface, impervious to water, corrosion-resistant, hot and cold-resistant, easy to clean and durable.



 1、 卫生间洗手柜的造型。现在市场上的卫生洗手盆造型款式繁多,比较常见的卫生间洗手盆造型有:长方形、方形、圆形、异形、扇形等众多个性化的设计。而且根据洗手盆款式、种类、材质、质量和品牌的不同,使得卫生间洗手盆尺寸也有所不同,所以很难详细的列出一个明确的卫生间洗手盆尺寸列表。其中最主要的影响因素在于洗手盆的样式问题,比如长方形的洗手盆的尺寸经常在600*400MM、600*460MM、800*500MM的规格范围内,圆形的洗手盆尺寸则以直径来计算尺寸规格,比如直径为400MM、460MM或600MM的都是市场上比较常见的圆形洗手盆尺寸。

 2、 卫生间洗手柜的规格。选择的卫生间洗手盆的尺寸对于我们的今后的使用有着十分重大的影响,那么卫生间洗手盆尺寸多少为好呢?卫生间洗手盆尺寸应该根据卫生间大小来决定,市面上最小的洗手盆有310MM的,其他规格有330*360MM、550*330MM、600*400MM、600*460MM、800*500MM、700*530MM、900*520MM、1000*520MM,现在很多的企业都提供卫浴定制,可以根据我们需要的尺寸、形状来定制。

 3、 卫生间洗手柜的标准。洗手台的尺寸有最小的一些控制,宽最小在550mm,一边600mm集合卫生间为了节约空间有把洗手台缩小到300mm左右,但是即使这样做了,洗面盆是不可能只有300mm宽的,必定要突出洗面台,就不方便摆放东西了。另外关键是洗面盆的中心到两侧的墙面要留个550mm的净空尺寸,也就是说要有1100的净空来放你的面台,否则使用起来蹩手蹩脚所以你可以综合大家的意见。

