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导读:  In the hot summer, air conditioning has brought us a lot of comfort, air conditioning installation division knows, t
   In the hot summer, air conditioning has brought us a lot of comfort, air conditioning installation division knows, the air-conditioning outlet generally have two air outlets and air outlet, many people do not know why you want to design two air outlets, do not know air-conditioning The difference between air outlet and air outlet, Xiao Bian today for everyone to make a simple introduction.



Air conditioning tuyere is divided into two types: air outlet and air outlet. As the name suggests, the air conditioner air outlet is blowing air conditioning, air conditioning air inlet is to absorb indoor air. Air conditioning vent next to a small hole is the new outlet, the new outlet smaller, wall mounted in each room, or air conditioning outlet is a straight line must be the new outlet no doubt.

Fresh air outlet is generally grille, installed on the outer wall, the main role is to indoor dirty air discharged to the outdoor, the use of axial flow fan because the machine was round to facilitate the construction of the general use of metal duct connection. Most indoor installation location is not far from the machine room in a corner.




1、散流器形状 空调出风口一般为方形散流器,呈方行多层可拆卸,一般用防火帆布连接,不会带过滤网,表面会很干净;送冷风时可能会有水珠挂在上面!空调回风口多呈长方形,又称单(双)层百叶风口,并带有过滤网,如果不常清洗,风口表面还会有黑色的灰尘积在角落里,很容易区分;回风口主要作用在于把污浊的空气吸回去。

2、室内机容量大小 由于室内一般只能看到空调风口,所以空调风口尺寸大小至关重要,如果设计不合理那么后续会造成视觉上的污染,并且给使用带来很多的麻烦。空调风口需要在实际设计安装过程中,根据家居装饰,进行灵活的变通,出/回风口的大小取决于室内机容量的大小。

3、风口面积不同 如果空调风口尺寸过大,风管过长,则气流速度就会下降,从而影响空调使用效果;如果空调风口尺寸选择过小,则气流速度会变大,从而导致风直吹人体上引起的不适感,还有可能导致噪音过大。空调送回风方式主要有侧送下回、下送下回、侧送侧回三种,由于空调回风口的风速一般大于出风口,所以风量一定时,回风口面积要比出风口的大。 

